
This blog contains some of the author's reflections on the Bible and its contents. For discussions of religious controversies, click here. For discussions of more basic philosophical issues, please go to Also, you can view the pages in other languages (click here to do this).

Location: Concord, California, United States

Resident of Concord, CA

Saturday, September 22, 2007

No Excuse

If people do not even want to consider what the Scriptures say or the mountain of evidence which corroborates them as a whole, how can they possibly have an excuse for not knowing exactly what is in store for them on the Last Day? The fact that they may have churches or religions is irrelevant in such cases. Furthermore, I submit that people who think they are more informed, more sophisticated, or superior to those who take the Scriptures seriously, including all that they say regarding our greatest need (as summarized in the Heidelberg Catechism, for example), could not be more mistaken. They have a fundamental flaw in their concept of ultimate reality which exacts a terrible price when carried to completion.


Blogger Dave said...

Many people in American society seem to have a very dismissive, condescending attitude towards those who take the Scriptures seriously. Often such people attain positions of authority, and some may manage to insulate themselves from being accountable to others for what they say for long periods of time. Occasionally, though, and thankfully, people like this are challenged. A current example of this is a situation in which a college professor, Dr. Lee Carter, has been using his "bully pulpit" to ridicule those who hold a different perspective. When one of his students challenged some of his statements in class, his responses prompted correspondence from the father of the student. To read a recent letter from the father, Dr. James White, click here.

7:06 PM  

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